9 great reasons why teachers should use Twitter



Laura Walker posted 9 great reasons why teachers should use Twitter.

Twitter is often represented as a facile activity for people who have nothing better to do than given minute by minute reports on what they had for breakfast or what TV show they were watching. In fact, that’s missing the point that many other people are getting.  Take the time and effort to build a Twitter community of people who share your interests, as well as people who push your boundaries for good debate, and you’ve got a forum for life.

The nine reasons that Laura Walker gives for why teachers should use Twitter are:

  1.  Together we’re better
  2.  Global or local
  3. Self-awareness or reflective practice
  4. Ideas workshop and sounding board
  5. Newsroom and innovation showcase
  6. Professional development and critical friends
  7. Quality-assured searching
  8. Communicate, communicate, communicate
  9. Getting with the times has never been so easy!

Go past the points and look into the meat of Laura’s reasons. Don’t be  put off by all the negative press; find out for yourself.

2 thoughts on “9 great reasons why teachers should use Twitter”

  1. I have revamped my blog and am trying to learn some html thingies. Not very patient I’m afraid. I’ve got brave new world as no.1 in recommended by the surgeon general list – along with some rather fanciful fashiony stuff. online networking has got me everywhere- the ex art editor of vogue nippon got in touch me for a review i wrote on her Aussie label!

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