Tag Archives: film

What can you do with a mobile phone and creativity?

This is what Jason van Genderen did:


The 3 minute film cost $57 to make, was shot in New York and Sydney, and won first place at the New York Tropfest. Tropfest is the largest short film festival in the world, with the aim of bringing exposure to talented, young filmmakers from around New York and the world.

Can you imagine the fun and creativity for students with such a project?

Starry starry night


Skoolaborate put me onto this video by a young film maker, Robbie Dingo. The author of this blog uses this example to illustrate the learning potential of virtual worlds. He lists learning areas, such as maths, geography and problem solving that are demonstrated in the creation of this short and creative film.

Still browsing in my search for clarity and understanding of the purpose and potential of virtual worlds. What do you think?

Things haven’t changed (much)#21

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/smrrZpbvI20" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Watch this government career film from 1946. Yes, the librarian's world has become a different place, but some things never change. Do you recognise the young man with the wide-eyed, hopeful face, confident that the librarian will make his book magically appear. 

Notice that all the librarians are women but the administrator is a man. 

Have a look at 11 other library YouTube videos