Yesterday Marie and I attended a SLAV workshop facilitated by Hamish Curry (notosh) : Re-designing thinking on libraries.
I don’t have time for a well written post at the moment so I’m going to share my unedited notes and photos, including screenshots which will give you an insight into the process we went through during the workshop. A big thank you to Hamish Curry who ran a dynamic, engaging workshop with lots of depth and substance. I hope to share this with my library colleagues as well as other teachers in the school (and obviously here). You can also look at Notosh’s ‘The Design Thinking School‘ online. I think it would be fantastic to have Hamish work with us at MHS, either as a whole school or in faculties.
I did feel a bit like I was going to explode while attempting to listen, participate, take notes, while sharing on Twitter and Instagram.
Great video demonstrating the importance of time given for creativity and problem solving.
A few screen shots. Please go full screen with the presentation.
More about Hexagonal Thinking on the notosh website.
If you want a more comprehensive, orderly set of notes, please look at Marie Buckland’s.