Time to stop blogging – for good

Henri Lachambre, aéronaute-constructeur breveté, ca. 1883 courtesy of trialsanderrors on Flickr.

The start of the long Summer holidays is something I have to grow into. Change of routine throws me out of wack, and I’m torn between the need to give in to the end-of-year exhaustion, frantically tackle household jobs which have been pressing down in a compulsive manner, or follow my online focus to see where it takes me.

Well, I’ve made a start on the last two of these options, although it takes a little while to move through dissipated interests and settle like dust on something satisfying.

Still, though I’ve squandered some time online, there’s been a significant pause in posting here, and I’ve been thinking my way through this, or trying to. Is it because I’m on holidays or is it simply that I have nothing to say?

That’s an interesting thought, and anybody who knows me well would laugh. I really do feel that, at the moment, I have nothing to say, and it could be a good thing. We all need a break, and if you look at my Diigo bookmarks from today, you’ll see (retrospectively) that my interests have refocussed from educational to predominantly gastronomical interests. Well,, not entirely. Actually, I’ve been saving odds and sods, for example, I’ve saved a chocolate praline tart, but I’ve also saved a bookcover archive blog, old Broadway theatre handbills, a fantastic blog which boasts a mean collection of animal illustrations, and then, even stranger things, like the frog museum. Amongst these bits and pieces, there are some educational gems, like Larry Ferlazzo’s “The Best of ‘The Best’ lists“, and a brilliant science blog called Science Blog, recommended by the fabulous Sean Nash (and I always take note of what he recommends, believe me).

One of my online discoveries this year, a jewel amongst art resources, Art 21,  is a PBS documentary series about contemporary visual artists in the United States, and for us not in the States, it’s still a rich resource for Art teaching. I recommend it, and if you join on Facebook, you get regular updates. It’s a rich resource of images and film for teachers and students of Art.

It’s through Art21 blog that I read ‘Nothing is new, but personal interpretation can often be so.
Alexander Girard, 1956′ and stumbled across the blog Nothing is new. Fascinating.

Apart from that, I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time on Flickr, indulging my passion for design and illustrations, and adding more and more contacts, people such as trialsanderrors whose sets include Early flight, with photographs of late 19th Century Paris from the Tissandier Collection, Finsbry’s set of Florence Upton’s vegetable people illustrations.

This diversion, the reason for my blogging absence, is the result of a release from the routine of school and school-related activities. It’s the direction I’ve taken with my newly found freedom. It’s pure pleasure; it feeds me.

I’ve also been struggling in the last days of my 365 day photo challenge blog, called (strangely enough) threesixtyfivephotos. Yes, the blog has been rewarding as a journal which records what would otherwise be lost to time, and in terms of connecting with others who read my blog and write theirs. But there comes a time when you just can’t find an interesting photo day after day. Time for a change. Will I continue? Maybe, in a different form. Maybe not.

I think holidays are a good opportunity to stop, have a break from the relentless reading and writing online, even miss good conferences, and not even have time to vote in all sections of the Edublogs Awards before the winners are announced. A time to think and evaluate what I’ve been doing, decide what worked and what didn’t, and why. Consider what I will do differently, goals, new challenges.

I haven’t stopped. I’m just processing…


12 thoughts on “Time to stop blogging – for good”

  1. I’m glad to read you’re not stopping; you really do have so much to contribute Tania. I understand what you are saying though. Of late, I’ve struggled to find time to post anything. There are plenty of things I think I could say, but I’m struggling to find the time to do just that. Like you say, we probably just need some downtime to get our heads together; my house is a mess and family gatherings will be upon me soon. Best I get to that before I do much else! Merry Christmas to you – both of them!

  2. Thankyou, Jenny, as always, for your kind and supportive comments. I’m not stopping, but I do need some space, and I think that unseen processes are at work. Sometimes we need to absorb. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Jenny, and I hope it’s a truly peaceful one, and that your new year brings All Good Things.

  3. Thankyou, Paul, for your very kind words. And thankyou for contributing to the conversation here; as you know, it’s the interaction we seek from our readers when we write. I too have loved your rich scope and generous sharing in your blog. I wish you and your family a blessed Christmas and happy New Year.

  4. Please don’t stop – we need you to inspire, motivate and educate us! Your blog is wonderful – have a good rest, enjoy the Christmas celebrations with family and return in 2010 filled with new strength and enthusiasm. Happy Christmas Tania and thanks for everything.

    1. I don’t want to stop, but it’s good to accept that you can’t do it without breaks. Don’t you think? Thanks for your constant encouragement, Marie.

  5. Mmmmmm hmmmm… this post is proof of concept of why I still value silly blogging “awards.” It’s not about the ten votes Doyle managed to garner… it’s about connecting ten people to the inspired prose that comes from a wonderful human being.

    I appreciate your recharge period. With three and one year old girlies, I certainly understand the need for breaks to shake out the cobwebs.

    Oh, and… keep spending that time on Flickr. I often think an hour spent there “reading” images (or my favorite Flickr search: compfight.com) is worth two hours spent reading text.

    And thanks for the art blog.


  6. Yes! Doyle’s blog is a gem. It’s so different to the many others which won awards. I love being able to follow the directions of brilliant minds.

    As you say, we squeeze in the professional with personal. And we’re not machines, churning out more of the same. Thanks for the Flickr tip, and I always appreciate your comments, Sean.

  7. Tania, what you’ve shared has been greatly valued….but it is hard work as we busy ourselves more and more online. I’ve loved following your daily images too…and think that you will look back on that in years to come and value the record you’ve created. As to changing blogging? I have a sneaking suspicion that we are all approaching a bit of a shift in that area…so many bloggers and so much to say. How do we pool our efforts better?

    No idea really – but I just want to wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas, and thank you for all your contributions. Cheers, Judy

  8. Thanks for your support, Judy. Yes, it’s hard work, but I doubt any of us would put in the hours if we didn’t find it satisfying. I’m not the kind of person who does things the same way for too long, so your challenge to pool our efforts better sounds very interesting. Let me know if you come up with any ideas, and I’ll do the same. Thankyou, too, for enriching my reading and thinking with your blog. I wish you a blessed Christmas and fantastic break.

  9. Hi Tania

    I just wanted to thank you for challenging my thinking, nourishing my learning and sharing your thoughts and ideas. I have enjoyed reading your blog so much this year! I also look forward to your daily photos which regularly make me look at things in a different way. I am very envious of your garden and wish I had your cooking skills!

    I hope your family Christmas celebrations are filled with peace and joy (and scrumptious food!). Enjoy a well earned rest Tania…time to slow down…

    Kim 🙂

    1. Hi Kim,
      Thankyou for your very generous comments; it’s so surprising to read that my posts resonate with others. Although when you think about it, we might all be experiencing the same things. That’s the good thing about sharing through blogs. Don’t take the photos too seriously – it’s easy to create the illusion of garden and cooking by taking selected closeups. It’s not like I’m cooking gourmet and cake every day.

      Thanks for your Christmas wishes, and I wish you and your family a wonderful New Year. I hope you’re enjoying your time off, and yes, we do need to be selective and slow down.

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