Welcome to your library – teachers

Welcome to your library teachers


On Tuesday I’ve been asked to give a very short talk about the library at the staff meeting. It will be my first talk to staff since I’ve been acting head of library at MHS. I’m very nervous about speaking to the staff at my own school, more so than if I were speaking to a group of people outside the school, but I need to get over it.

Basically, I want to let teachers know about the change of culture for VCE private study. Previously the library was home to an enormous number of students who had no other space, and the noise was often out of control. Even though I was initially unsure about insisting on a silent library, favouring discussion and collaborative study, I had to respect the principal’s directive, and believe him when he said that students were complaining they couldn’t study in the noisy spaces. This year students have a choice between the silent library and the ‘dining hall’ (sounds much more posh than it is) where they can work collaboratively or just relax. We’ve all been flabbergasted that most of the students still choose the library despite our strict rules for silent study. Who knew? Of course, carpet and air conditioning have something to do with this, but we are seeing so many students knuckling down to serious study.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time on a presentation which is just a visual prompt for my brief talk. I hope teachers will look at the slides instead of me! Our main focus this year is to work more closely with teachers to create rich resources, create curriculum/assignments and teach collaboratively. We hope to forge relationships and become a vital part of teaching and learning at the school. We’ve divided faculties amongst the teacher librarians, and I hope that the TLs take ownership of their areas of expertise, and that they enjoy their new roles.

I hope you can make sense of the visual prompts in the presentation. My talk will be brief and I plan to speak very plainly; I’ve consciously avoided educational jargon. Today I read an article by Daniel Pink, “My challenge to you: only speak like a human at work” which confirmed what I’ve believed – that if you can’t say it simply and sincerely, you’ll lose your audience, or at least you won’t have much of an impact.

Sorry I wasn’t able to embed the presentation, so you’ll have to download it via the link at the top of the post. Not sure why I can’t – maybe it’s Chrome?

7 thoughts on “Welcome to your library – teachers”

  1. It looks and sounds great Tania. Good luck with the preso! I can’t believe that your audience won’t be attentive to both you and your great slide show! Congrats on the new role as Acting Head of Library. The students and teachers there are so very lucky to have you!

  2. HiTania. Should attract some interest. Could add Library involvement groups if you wish under responsibilities, but up to you. Maggie

    1. Thanks, Kate. The talk was postponed!! I suffered for nothing. Oh well… Yes, I love quirky, and the quirkier the better. the idea is that all eyes are on the screen and not on me.

      1. Oh no! What a pain that it was postponed!! Hopefully it will be rescheduled and you’ll get a chance to sell the great work you and your team are doing. Fingers crossed.

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