Originally uploaded by el estratografico


 I really enjoyed looking at scans of old comic book sound effects mentioned in the illustration and cartooning blog, Drawn! . I’ve been researching information about comics and manga for desktop author booklets to go into my art wiki. My wiki is growing but nobody is using it as far as I can see. No matter; I’ve scheduled a show-and-tell session at the next art faculty meeting. Meanwhile, the list of blogs about comics/manga is growing. Eventually these will be added to the wiki. You can have a peek at the wiki if you like; there’s still a lot to do, and the navigation bar needs fixing.

2 thoughts on “SPLONK”

  1. Hello Tania
    I got a bit frustrated by my wiki disappearing into cyber space apparently unused….
    (Mind you, bird flu is not as interesting as your art video LOL).
    As I understand it, the way to get your web pages to show up in searches is to maximise the number of links to it. So if you link to my blog, website, wiki etc, it increases the chance of it showing up in a search, although if it is still competing with major websites on a very popular topic, it will only show up on the millionth page of google searches eh?
    BTW how did you ‘collect’ the art heading. Did you use something to capture the screen?

  2. Hi Lisa,
    Good to hear from you.
    For the art heading, I used http://amaztype.tha.jp/
    Pity it’s static; it loses in translation.
    Are you saying that your wiki actually disappeared or that it wasn’t used?
    Yes, I dont’ expect to even come up on the millionth page of google searches. What do you mean about linking to your blog, wiki, etc.? I’m not sure how to do that.

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