@ggrosseck shares some excellent links on Twitter and this is one of them.
[slideshare id=3619005&doc=researchinginaweb2-0worldfinal-100402045408-phpapp01]
I agree with @jennyluca who commented that this presentation is just as relevant to educators. The humour doesn’t detract from the truths expressed; I think it’s very effective. I like the way it addresses people’s attitudes to social media and in a light-hearted way before going on to all the benefits.
It also asks important questions such as Do I really want to be in a community? and supplies altruistic and selfish reasons. There’s a lot more depth to the coverage and more specific information than is often included in write ups about social media.
For a person who is trying to make sense of social media, it’s very helpful. For example, in explaining the social bookmarking site Delicious, it informs that
clicking on a link will show all the people who recommended it and under what categories (tags).
and provides a snapshot of a Delicious user’s page.
The most effective aspect of this presentation is the fact that it addresses the whys, eg. Why bother blogging?
A range of social media is covered, including Twitter, blogs, wikis, Delicious, RSS feeds and more. It really gives a good overview as well as answering specific questions people may have, finishing off with ‘So what does all this mean?’ and a list of links to further information .
I’m impressed by the depth of this presentation and would like to collaborate with somebody in producing a similar one for educators. Any takers?